Tuesday, November 30, 2004

yeah yeah yeah, I know....

Ok, so I went to 401 before class today, started talking, played a game, then lost track of time and missed CPS305 :( Ah well, what can you do huh? I suppose I could keep better track of time, but I love playing M:tG way too much, time flies when you're doing something you enjoy. I putzed around with my brushhopper deck and now it's even more fun, anyways, I'm going to try another change with it and see how it ends up. This is what the projected decklist is going to be, new changes will be noted with a (*):

Scales of Justice

4x Anurid Brushhopper
4x Balance
4x Cursed Scroll (*)
4x Enlightened Tutor
3x Swords to Plowshares
1x Naturalize
1x Disenchant
1x Seal of Cleansing
1x Abolish (*)
4x Call of the Herd
1x Sylvan Library (*)
1x Land Tax
2x Scroll Rack (*)
1x Regrowth (*)
1x Crucible of Worlds
2x Zuran Orb
1x Sword of Fire and Ice
1x Sword of Light and Shadows
1x Eternal Dragon (*)
2x Strip Mine
4x Savannah
9x Plains
7x Forest

1x Swords to Plowshares
3x Moment's Peace
1x Disenchant
4x Abeyance/Orim's Chant
4x Troll Ascetic
1x Ivory Mask
1x Ground Seal

Some of the cards in there are kinda random, but I need to test out the deck to see if the new changes work better. Tax-Rack-Library is huge for draw and search, while the tutors grab just about everything. It's more of a fun deck than anything so don't get on my case for it not being my usual insane self, hell, the only reason I put eternal dragon in is because I have a foil one. But definitely a fun deck, if you have cursed scroll inplay and pull off balance+brushhopper, you suddenly make a huge shift in your favour. Anyways, try it out if you want, just a lot of fun to play around with. Not overpowered, not underpowered. Sideboard needs work, but I'm not overly concerned about that at the moment, I just want the scroll racks so I can test out the deck more.

Anyways, lots of assignments to do and exams to prep for so the deck can wait until after exams, no big rush about the deck. I need to make an appointment with Colleen again. I'm not doing so well, ah well, shit happens. We'll see what happens in the next few days. Anyways, lets get back to studying.


Sunday, November 28, 2004

Seven days...

A full week since my last post. I must be getting lax again. Whatever, I've been too busy lately to post anyways. Although I have to say, I've done a lot of writing in my notebook which is problem the reason I had to go get a new one including a new pen. I hate gel pens sometimes, but whatever, they write well, they're clean, smooth, and whatever else you want to think of them as. Personally, they write well, that's all I care about in a pen.

They say that everyone has their own form of stress relief. Some people bake, some people sew, some people exercise, some people read. I suppose mine is writing. But then again, if writing is stress relief for me, what does that say about me? I'm always writing. Always. If not on paper, then in my head. I'm always writing something somewhere. Well, ok, perhaps not always, but a lot of the time when the time is just for me to spend by myself, whether that be on the subway, on the bus, just sitting around waiting, or even just when I'm sitting around at home doing nothing. Sometimes I wonder if I try too hard. Maybe if I just let go of myself and embrace eternity in the dark I'll be able to relax. Then again, maybe then I won't have to worry about doing much of anything either.

A few people have told me that I'm not allowed to die. In fact, a lot of people have told me I'm not allowed to die. I wonder if it's reverse psychology and that they really just want me dead but are too afraid to say it to my face. Afraid? Afraid of what? Afraid that there won't be any more scapegoats? Afraid that someone willing to always take the blame for everything won't be around to take it anymore? What do you all want from me? Will you scream at me again for not understanding? Why don't you write it down for me instead if you're so adamant that I won't understand?

This spider solitaire game is pissing me off. I'm getting no breaks at all on these rows. 6 straight games, not a single useful row. Always dead draws, over and over. Hey, first stack I've cleared in 6 games, what do you know. I hate spider solitaire somtimes, I really do, but free cell and solitaire are too easy. Hearts annoys me, not my kind of game. So I play spider instead. It's possible to win, but it's just so fucking annoying.

Everyone tells me I don't try hard enough. Every single fucking person tells me that. You deal with everything I deal with, then we'll see what you define as "trying hard enough". As far as I'm concerned, living is a struggle. Living is the eternal struggle. Dying is easy, to live takes far more effort. You have no clue how fucking difficult it is to go day to day, holding onto a few reasons to live when everything else seems to want you dead. Do you know what it's like having to reaffirm every single second of every day that you still have reason to exist? It's so simple for some of you people, you go on with your pathetic measly lives not knowing anything about anyone else. You know nothing more than what exists in your narrow scope of reality. You feel that you know what it's like to have to struggle to survive when you know nothing of what it means to struggle in the first place. You don't know how to survive or live, only how to exist.

Don't Tread On Me

What do you know about telling the truth
While you tell another white faced lie?
Do you expect me to accept it?
Do you think that I'm blind?
To the cracks you try to hide behind
Star intently while I watch you play me for the fool
Make you think I see what you want me to see
Blame me now for all the things that you hate in yourself
Who do you think you are lying to, me or you?

What do you know? Why can't you see?
That, you're another piece of the puzzle
Don't tread on me!
Scream at me now, come break me down
Now, that you know that I'm your scapegoat
Don't tread on me!

Honesty is such a fickle thing
Always just another one way street
Given but not reciprocated keep it all to yourself
Does its absense leave you incomplete?
Lock it in the vault now and swallow the key
Make you think I hear what you want me to hear
Recording all your pain now in a little black book
Bled the ink from the pages and watch the lies unfold

Don't deny, don't try to hide it
I can see right through you
Caught in your own web of lies and deceit

What do you know? Why can't you see?
That, you're another piece of the puzzle
Don't tread on me!
Scream at me now, come break me down
Now, that you know that I'm your scapegoat
Don't tread on me!

And I'm, dragged down
And I'm, dragged out
And I'm, shot down
And I'm, shut out

Driven now by false pretenses watch your lies unravel
And you know there's nothing left to see
And it's all just hollow and empty
Nothing left inside but self-deceit
What is there now for you to hold onto
Now that you can't even trust yourself?
Will you turn to me and try to tell me the truth?
Or will you try to lie your way out?

What do you know? Why can't you see?
That, you're another piece of the puzzle
Don't tread on me!
Scream at me now, come break me down
Now, that you know that I'm your scapegoat
Don't tread on me!

What do you know? Why can't you see?
That, you're another piece of the puzzle
Don't tread on me!
Scream at me now, come break me down
Now, that you know that I'm your scapegoat
Don't tread on me!

What do you know? Why can't you see?
That, you're another piece of the puzzle
Don't tread on me!
Scream at me now, come break me down
Now, that you know that I'm your scapegoat
Don't tread on me!

Yeah, I know, my songs always seem so angry huh? Wrote that one a few days ago, working on another one now. I don't try to explain my songs. I don't try to explain my writing. Interpret it as you will, analyze as you so choose. I know why I wrote my songs, but you people will never understand how and why I do, so you'll just have to decide what they mean for yourselves. Music and poetry are funny things in that way, you can't ever take a single person's perspective on it, you always have to look at the bigger picture. You can decompose every word and line as you so choose to, but until you look at everything in perspective as a whole, all the little pieces are just senseless pieces of the puzzle.

We don't hate people for parts of them, we hate people because we hate parts of them that we see in ourselves. Maybe it is human nature to expect from other people what we can't ever achieve ourselves. If being different is to be shunned, I'd rather be shunned, hated and living in a cave. If you don't want to hear what I have to say, don't ask my opinion. If you want to jump to conclusions about my answers without thinking about 'em, why are you wasting your breath asking me if you've already decided on the answer? Human beings are such fickle things. One minute we're praising someone for doing this and that, next minute we're wanting to kill them for the very same reason.

Stop beating around the bush. If you want to ask someone something, just ask them. By the time you've finished taking your 20 million detours to get to the end, you've already forgotten the original question. Don't lie thinking that you're flawless at it, lies are transparent. Honesty is something that's taken for granted so much. Do you ever wonder why a pathological liar always seems like they're telling the truth whenever they're lying? Because they aren't trying to lie.


Sunday, November 21, 2004


It's just occured to me that I now have 3 day weekends. Yes, it's just sunk it as I stare at the clock and realize that it's Monday and I don't have classes until Tuesday. You know what it feels like to randomly have things from days, weeks, months, and years past sink in just now? To look back on it realize how stupid you were and are for just realizing it now? Great feeling isn't it? Yeah, just absofuckinglutely great. Whatever, there really is only so long you can beat yourself up for it before you start sounding rediculous to yourself.

Things keep coming back to me. Memories that I shut out, things that I don't particularly want to remember; everything reminds me of something. Very few things don't remind me of how bad things used to be. I suppose you could say that things get better, or they get worse, but one or the other, something has to give. You may or may not like the things that have happened to you in the past, but they are, inevitably, a part of you. So while you can deny your past, it's all a piece of the puzzle that helps shape who you are. Well, you know what they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

So yes, I'm glad I was shunned throughout grade school, it let me see things in a different light - my own. I don't really care what others think of what I am, what I say, what I do. None of that matters to me, I'll be straight out with people, and if you don't like the way I am, tough. Take your own life and try to be what everyone else wants you to be, in the end, if you aren't something you want to be, then what's the point of trying to be something else if you don't even know who you are? You want to point fingers and laugh? Go for it. You want to think you're some hot shot because of this, that, or the other, when you really are nothing? By all means. You feel that the only way you can be socially important and accepted is if you criticize and redicule everyone who's different? The choice is yours.

People often tell me I'm harsh, or I'm cold, or I just don't seem to care. Let me tell you a little secret. I don't care about most people. I don't give a shit if you're some old fuck who thinks you're the ruler of the world because you're old, I don't give a shit if you're some teenage fuckhead who treats women as toys, I don't give a shit if you're a slut who has to try to sleep with and flirt with every guy you see. I could go on and on, but those are just a few examples. If you fall into the above categories, you're a piece of shit anyways. You need to feel important, and you need to feel like people respect you. You don't earn respect by being a fuckhead, you earn respect by being respected.

People are so adverse to be honest. It's true. Look around you, just take a look around. How many people do you think would never be straight up with you? Pretty much nobody. People are so superficial, they think everything is in the style, look, attitude and material possessions. They think of nothing beyond the surface and are surprised when people don't give them the respect they think they've gained. Talking like some 2 dollar whore dressed as eminem does NOT make you a better person. I'm sorry, but if you need to have a certain attitude that isn't your own to survive from day to day, that doesn't make you the cream of the crop. If you want respect, earn it. Don't act and dress like someone else and then complain when you don't get the respect that they do. You think you're the lion in the concrete jungle? You're just the prey, and it's open season.


Saturday, November 13, 2004

you tell me

For some reason, whenever I look at the post counter on my blog, it never seems to move. It's been at 39 for my past 3 or 4 posts, I could just be hallucinating and not able to see the small differences in numbers, but quite frankly, with all the stuff that goes on, I can't be bothered. I don't know what I'm dealing with more, myself or everyone else. Always trying to juggle the things that happen in my mind, the overanalytical aspect of it that drives people nuts.

Everyone says it. The thinking part of my mind that drives everyone nuts because they don't know what I'm thinking andbecause I end up too caught up in my thoughts to express whatever it is that's on my mind. "You'l never find out now, that all these absent elements, built your comfortable defense, stronger still, like an emptiness...." It's a line from Absent Elements by Finger Eleven. I was flipping through the very limited number of MP3s I have on my desktop and made a miniplay list of 9 songs (well, soon to be a few more). There, I upped the list count to 13:

1. Nickleback - Someday
2. Chevelle - Vitamin R
3. Evergrey - I'm sorry
4. Finger Eleven - Absent Elements
5. The killers - Somebody told me
6. Jimmy Eat World - Pain
7. Matchbox Romance - Promise
8. The Watchmen - Stereo
9. Velvet Revolver - Slither
10. Yellowcard - Only one
11. Finch - Three Simple Words
12. Silverchair - Suicidal Dreams
13. Shinedown - 45

Music. Good ol' music. The one thing that's been there for me through the years. I don't know if I can safely say that I'd be the same person had I not had the music there. I can't say that I'd be alive if I never had the music in the first place.

Some people would gladly say that the world would be better off if I was dead. Maybe people would be better off without me today. Who knows? I can't go back, kill myself earlier and say with certainty that the world would be a better place. Maybe with certain people, they'd prefer me dead, and perhaps some people wouldn't want me to be. Everyone needs a safehaven from everyone and everything else sometimes. Music is mine, it's the one constant that's always been there.

I've been writing a lot recently. Not on here, in my book. Getting those immediate thoughts out of my head and someplace tangible is nice to be able to do...keeps my head from getting too cluttered. Call it release, call it not. It's a bit of everything. Sometimes I don't know why I even bother. Why bother writing down thoughts that no one is going to read? Why bother trying to explain the method to the madness when people aren't going to listen? Why try to tell them the reasons for my actions when they aren't going to listen anyways? Slither, by Velvet Revolver. That's the song that just finished playing. Now it's playing Only One, by Yellowcard. This singer's voice is so high, I can't sing that octave, it's an octave or above what I'm capable of if I strain my throat.

Writing and singing. It seems to be the only things that I can do well that few people will get on my case about. Song-writing, only one song that's come to mind lately. I haven't had the desire to write about much, the motivation isn't there, I need to find where it went because I miss it. Suicidal Dreams, by Silverchair. Yes, I have to announce each song as it's playing. Why? I don't know, because I feel like it. And now the playlist repeats.

What am I still doing here writing this post for so long? I mean, if the playlist repeats, why am I not already doing something else? Well, waiting for cato to start, aside from that, I just ate. Do I feel like doing anything? not particularly. I'm going to do my readings or something probably, but there isn't much and most of it is already done anyways.

I need to pick up a mic and an amp. Still. Yes, I know, I've been trying to save money for it for a while now, it's not as easy as you think it is. Saving money in university is incredibly difficult, sudden expenses, necessary expenses, and if you're someone like me who gets things as they are needed (like clothes and shoes for example), these expenses tend to add up really fast.

Try as you may, people will never see that you're trying if you don't give them any straight up indication that you are. I can't give people straight up indication of me doing anything, I'm an introvert, I keep to myself usually. Is there something wrong with that? Overanalyzing tends to be my worst enemy, but then again, at least that way I know I can think. I'm not the stone statue that everyone makes me out to be. Nice as it would be. Sometimes I am, but in the end, I'm not. Do you have any idea how it's like to feel comfortably numb and then to feel like shit because you were feeling comfortably numb? and then to feel comfortably numb for feeling like shit because you were feeling comfortably numb in the first place? It's a vicious cycle, one that doesn't need any explanations for itself.


Friday, November 12, 2004

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I have vague-to-no recollection of what happened last night. I know people seemed very upset at me for not being at the keyboard, or people weren't responding to my messages, probably a mixture of both. I recall 1 failed seth attempt, 1 repop where people weren't there, and then I don't remember anything else about that. I remember going to close my eyes for a minute or 2 because people weren't talking back at me. I wasn't tired or sleepy, obviously my body thought differently. I woke up at 4:45 this morning absolutely confused at what time it was, I must've thought it was still last night. I vaguely recall doing something at my computer, but what that was, was beyond me. My message logs seemed very strange, but people weren't responding to anything I was saying anyways, so I suppose I must've done something to upset them.

Last time this happened several nights in a row was several years ago and it led to a complete physical collapse at some point. Even now my memories of last night and the night before are foggy. If I try to remember what happened, it still takes a fair bit of effort to figure out what happened. It's like getting caught in limbo and not knowing what's going on or what to do about it. Do you know what that's like? To not be in control of your own body? I hate it. If I knew what was wrong, I could do something about it. But I don't. As I recall, last time this happened, I got 20 hours of sleep or thereabouts for the entire next month, and I slept twice, both for 10 hours at a time, and I wouldn't call it sleeping, I would call it passing out or something of the sort.

I didn't mean to upset you. I don't know what's wrong with me.


Monday, November 08, 2004

why do parents have to be so annoying?

Long day, I know. In fairness, I should be in bed right now but I'm being pestered so I can't exactly sleep. This is what I hate, I'm tired as shit, I get home and I just want to rest and relax. What I don't want is to be pestered and asked 30 million questions about this, that and the other. It seems to be common practice for people to ask me questions. I hardly ever do the asking, it's always other people that do the asking. Why is it that I put up with it? I don't know. I keep asking myself the same question over and over again. The reason I have to put up with it? I don't have a job, I can't find a decent paying job that will pay for rent, as well as pay partial tuition. It would be nice to find a job as, say, an assistant technical writer, it'd be not only good for references, but it'd also be good for pay.

People get annoyed when I don't talk to them. What do you expect from me? My days are long and tiring. I'm usually exhausted to the point where I don't even know how I'm standing. Don't roll your eyes at me when I don't respond. It's 1am, fuck. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I'm in pain from my joints and as a result of all that, I'm easily irritated. Everything irritates me, but I still don't usually show it.

All the emotional and mental stuff is starting to boil over and taking its toll on me physically. It's one thing to be able to deal with it all, but it is an entirely different matter when what you're trying to deal with is entirely too much. I know I complain a lot, and I know I bring a lot on myself, but I complain because it's another way to vent. Hell, most of the things I complain about aren't even things that matter. All the stuff that really matters, I try to do something about rather than complain, because by the time I'm done complaining, I could've done something about it already.

Anyways, must try to sleep, chiropractor first thing in the morning.


Sunday, November 07, 2004


You tell me not to do anything. You tell me I'm not allowed to do anything. There's only so many times I can sit around idly and not do a thing and one of these days, I'm going to snap.


Friday, November 05, 2004

Good Enough

Good Enough

Brightened skies and clouded minds
Show me what I have become
Blackened nights that aren't in sight
I know it won't be enough
To force me now to fall in line
Carbon-copy image of you
Perfection's still so far away
Only found in your jaded mind still

Can't you see
What it is you want from me
A mirror of the emptiness inside
Don't you know that you can't hide?

From pain, from love
From all of the above
The fear, the truth
You'll never see
My mind is full
But my words are empty
I know, I don't
Mean anything to you
The screams , the tears
You just don't care
Nothing to say, nothing to do
It's never good enough for you

Avalanche and waterfalls
Bring my every flaw to front
That's nothing new, it's all you see
When you're looking down on me

Can't you see
What it is you want from me
A mirror of the emptiness inside
Don't you know that you can't hide?

From pain, from love
From all of the above
The fear, the truth
You'll never see
My mind is full
But my words are empty
I know, I don't
Mean anything to you
The screams , the tears
You just don't care
Nothing to say, nothing to do
It's never good enough for you

All alone
There's no one to hear me now
All I see
There's nothing left to me
I'm sorry--
I'm not perfect, I can't be

Can't you see
What it is you want from me
A mirror of the emptiness inside
Don't you know that you can't hide?

From pain, from love
From all of the above
The fear, the truth
You'll never see
My mind is full
But my words are empty
I know, I don't
Mean anything to you
The screams , the tears
You just don't care
Nothing to say, nothing to do

From pain, from love
From all of the above
The fear, the truth
You'll never see
My mind is full
But my words are empty
I know, I don't
Mean anything to you
The screams , the tears
You just don't care
Nothing to say, nothing to do
It's never good enough for you

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Everyone will only ever remember the negative. Even if you do everything they say and everything they want, the only thing that they will ever remember are the times that you hurt them, and the times that you make them bleed. Call me worthless, say I don't listen, say I wouldn't ever possibly do this for whatever reason.

Fabricate reasons to justify to yourself what you accuse me of, what is it that I "probably" do? Do you even know the things you say I do? No, of course you don't. "Good enough" is relative. Another one of those things that goes on and on, but no one ever really knows how far to go, and when to look back.

It's hard to fake a smile. If you were blind, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a fabricated and geniune smile, laughter for the sake of appeasing those around you and laughter because something is actually funny. I can't vent, I can't rant, there's no one to talk to, no one's willing to listen.

I'm going crazy inside my head, I don't know what to do anymore. It feels like I'm trying, but to no avail. What's left for me to do? My knife is only a foot away from me. No, that's the coward's way out, and I haven't given up just yet.

What would it take for me to make you finally believe in me? Do I have to bring myself to the brink of extinction before someone will finally take note? To push myself above and beyond my every limitation, until I rip myself asunder? I do listen. Every word, every syllable, every sentence. Whether or not it seems like I do, I do listen. Every word stings ever so much more than the ones before them and I don't know what I have to do to make you know and understand.

You might say I'm trying too hard, I say I'm not trying hard enough. You might say I'm not trying at all, when I'm giving it everything I have. Everyone's scapegoat. Everyone's favourite scratching post. To take, but never to reciprocate. If you want to break me, then do so already.

I am not the fire. Just the shadow it casts.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

......I can't believe it...I just can't believe it.....

I must break this down in chronological order:

7:30pm: Gorog's Watchdog was released

8:30pm: Started killing Gorog's Watchdog

12:30am: left school, came home

1:15am: Got home, returned to killing Gorog's Watchdog.


Zalenaem <1686/1686>
Gorog's watchdog's deathrattle fills the air as you drain her life...
Your suspiric grasp wounds Gorog's watchdog!
Gorog's watchdog is DEAD!!
Gorog's watchdog catches her guts in her hands as they pour through her fatal
You get 141 gold coins from the corpse of Gorog's watchdog.
I see nothing in the corpse of Gorog's watchdog.

Kinux gives you A pair of Goroggles.

Yes, that's right. I went against my better judgement and killed gorog's watchdog while I was eating. Out of the 30ish people there, I managed to get the KB and for it, I got goroggles. 4 hours of mob killing.

Zalenaem <1736/1736>garb
You are using:
the sigil of Aalakab
(Red Aura) (Humming) Set's ring of Power
(Red Aura) (Humming) Set's ring of Power
(Red Aura) Collar of Abyssal Servitude
(Red Aura) Collar of Abyssal Servitude
the Dragonhide Breastplate
(Glowing) Veil of Divine Wrath
obsidian leggings
(Red Aura) (Humming) chains of imprisonment
(Red Aura) Inescapable Grasp of Doom
(Red Aura) a strand of polished jade
(Humming) the cloak of Death
(Red Aura) A shroud of darkness
a girth of mangled hide
(Humming) a shadowy, coiled cobra
(Humming) a shadowy, coiled cobra
(Red Aura) Darkfire blaster
(Red Aura) Darkfire blaster
(Red Aura) Demonic Whispers
A pair of Goroggles
a shimmering, yellow robe
(Red Aura) the facade of the Hannya
a demonskin ankle bracer
a demonskin ankle bracer

You report: 1736/1736 hp 56/60 blood 263/263 mv 176477991 xp.
Your base stats: 18 str 16 int 11 wis 18 dex 14 con 9 cha 14 lck.
Your current stats: 20 str 22 int 11 wis 25 dex 16 con 4 cha 17 lck.


What a way to end a day huh?


Monday, November 01, 2004

bah, set sucks

I have forgotten how boring it was to sit and solo set. 7 kills, 1 scrapped magicians hat (bastard with that double flameblast prog), 400K in midas (damned rods worth almost nothing), one skull, all in all, I think the scrapped magicians hat was worth more than everything I got. Ah well, everyone needs set rings, although that will teach me to not use a thief without a shade helm at a breath mob (this is why I hate catastrophes on regular run thieves). It was a good way to kill 2 hours though, well, maybe not, but it's a way to kill 2 hours. (Amy, I put all the rings on storage if you read this and want to update your list in case I forget to tell you...hope it was the right one)

Last night was All Hallows Eve. No, I didn't do any magic. If I did, I could potentially not be here anymore. So no, I didn't do any magic, I'm still in one piece (well, whether I'm in one piece or not is always debatable, but I'm still alive as of this moment). I find that people don't pay proper respects on All Hallows Eve, but you can't really blame the children who are only told that it's a day for them to put on a costume and go around getting candy from people they don't know. I can't fault children for not knowing, but I can fault the adults for not telling them the true significance of All Hallows Eve. But its a christian society, you can't expect people to know or to remotely understand. I mean, I didn't speak with the dead this year - there was no invoking of the boatman - but it doesn't mean I don't pay my respects as I do every year. The dead possess so much energy, but to harness it without first asking is, well, lets just say it never works out too well.

I figure I should eat lunch today at some point, I need to buy a new pair of boots, my old ones have badly frayed laces and water seeps in through the back if there's any snow buildup, and my running shoes are falling apart pretty badly.

One of my greatest pet peeves are people who cannot form a single coherent sentence without the use of the word "fucking" and "like". Now, call me an arrogant bastard if you will, but if you aren't literate enough to form a single sentence without using the word "fucking" or "like" every 2 words, you should not be speaking in the first place. As much as people will use them as connectors, they don't actually make sense in sentences. I mean, if you're going to try to get someone to understand your point, why not think about what you're saying more carefully before saying it? Does every sentence have to sound as the following: "Did you know, like, fucking, bastard wouldn't give me back like, this thing and like well, he's a fucking bitch and like, they were like, at the HMV and like, they didn't like, tell me that like, the fucking CD I've been like, looking for was fucking there." I kid you not, I have actually heard sentences where every second word combination was "...like fucking...". Yes, I am fully aware that sex is one of the only things that males actually think about, but if you can't make a sentence without talking about fucking something, then maybe you need to go fuck that CD or whatnot you're talking about and see if you like fucking it.

This is one of those things that just gets at me. I'm aware that I'm guilty of it at times, hell, everybody is, but I take special care to try to avoid doing it. If that makes me sound pompous, and arrogant, fine. Atleast I'm literate enough to know how and where to use certain words and when to not.

Anyways, I digress and now I'm done ranting for now, perhaps one of these days I'll be able to put all my rants together into a book or something of the ilk. It would probably make an interesting read for anyone with a brain.
